Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why don't the dems get it?

There's some smart democrats out there, right? They're not all idiots, are they?

So why can't they understand that if you raise taxes in the state, then investment will flee the state? If federal taxes are raised, then investment will flee the country. Studies have shown time and time again that this is what happens. Why can't the democrats see that?

Do they really think that the rich folks in Silicon Valley and in Tinseltown are simply going to fork over larger percentages of their income when the gov't raises tax rates? Don't these people have TAX ADVISORS who themselves earn big bucks by advising the rich folks how to AVOID TAXES by shifting assets to other jurisdictions? Why don't they get it?

Keeping those assets working here requires low tax rates. Why don't they get it?

Liberals continue to expect that if you raise taxes, government revenues will increase. Well studies have shown time and time again that raising taxes has a negative effect on government revenues. LOWERING taxes is what raises government revenue, by increasing investment. Why can't they understand? Why?

We continue to see people leaving high-tax states for low-tax states. Do the dems have some rationale for why this is? Are the deserters bad people? If taxes were raised further, would the deserters suddenly decide to stay? What's WRONG with you people?

I continue to be gobsmacked at the persistent irrationality of people who believe we can and should tax our way to prosperity. Balancing budgets is important, but SPENDING CUTS are what's needed - NOW!! - not higher taxes.

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