Friday, April 25, 2008

In the belly of the beast

Growing up in Canada, I never dreamed I'd end up a Republican in San Francisco. I moved here to be part of the silicon valley phenomenon, and stayed because it's a great place to live. This in spite of the terrible government, the complete lack of fiscal responsibility, and the fact that the Giants can't seem to win ball games.

The beast, of course, is the huge majority of soft-headed liberals who think Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi & co. are doing their jobs; who don't have a clue that Shiites are Persian while Sunnis are Arab, but somehow do "know" that the president should be impeached for trying to do something about the huge mess in the Middle East; and who fervently believe that California should raise taxes rather than cutting spending.

With this blog, I hope to share my thoughts and feelings about being a Republican surrounded by what is probably the biggest bunch of liberals the world has ever seen. I'm told that the nine counties around the bay area have only one Republican left in state and federal government positions, and he's termed out.

Looks like 2008 is going to be quite a year.

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